2014年2月24日 星期一

Things to do before you get old!!

Things to do before you get old!!

  Cliff camping.  

Skywalking in the Alps .
Climbing Redwoods.

Sitting on the Trolltunga rock in Norway.

Jumping on the Trolltunga rock in Norway.

Rock climbing in South Africa.

Ice climbing a frozen waterfall.

Extreme picnicking.

Extreme skiing in Wyoming.

Skywalking on Mount Nimbus in Canada.

Tree camping in Germany.

   Just having a look around.

   Extreme kayaking at Victoria Falls.

Diving 30 meters through a rock monolith in Portugal.

Climbing Mt. Wellington.

Standing on the Edgewalk in Toronto.

Cycling in Norway.

Sitting around at Yosemite.

Walking over a crevice.

 Glacierboarding anywhere. 

   Biking on the Cliffs of Moher.



