2010年3月31日 星期三

抱我一分鐘 Embrace me for one minute

抱我一分鐘 Embrace me for one minute

Must be managed diligently anything - including the kindred, friendship, love

一對小倆口生過孩子之後,他們開始了分床而居的生活。 ?白天工作疲憊,晚上應付孩子,漸漸地二人之間的話越來越少。
A pair of young couple after have given birth to the child, the life
that they begin to divide the bed and occupy. The working weariness in
the daytime, deal with the child in the evening, it is fewer and fewer
between two people gradually.

女人首先意識到了他們之間潛伏的危機,一天,她對男人說?「我有個鄭重的要求。」, 男人漫不經心地問:【什麼要求?」 「每天抱我一分鐘。」
The woman first to recognize that the crisis between them hidden in
one day, she said the man  [I have a serious requirement.] ,The man
asks carelessly. [any requirement?] ,[tembrace me for one minute every

The man has cast a look at woman, has smiled: [necessary? ]
[I propose this requirement, prove very necessary. As soon as you have
sent out this doubt, you prove more necessary.] [the feeling is in the
heart, why express. ] you originally if not expressed, we can not get
married. '

「當初是當初,現在不是更深沉了嗎?」 ?「不表達未必就是深沉,表達了未必就是矯飾。」
兩人吵了起來,最後,為了能早些兒平息戰爭上床安息,男人-妥協了。 ?他走到床邊,抱了女人一分鐘,笑道:「你這個虛榮的傢伙。」
[ originally is originally, is not it deeper that now? ][ it expresses
to be may not deep, express, may not just feign in order to
conceal.]Two people quarrel, stand up, finally, until be able to
earlier child put down war go to bed and rest in peace, the man -
compromise.  He goes to the bed, has embraced the woman for one
minute, smile: [fellow of your vanity.][each woman will be to love
vanity.]she says.

此後每一天,他都會抽個時間抱她一會兒。 ?漸漸地,兩人的關係充滿了一種新的和諧。
Every day hereafter, he will release a piece of time cherishes her
for a moment.  Gradually, relation between two people is full of a
kind of new harmony. When embracing every day, though two people say
nothing often, the silence and silence embrace, as far apart as heaven
and earth mean, in situation.

終於有一天,女人要去長期進修。 ?臨上火車前,她對他說:「你終於暫時解脫了。」 ?「我會想抱你的。」男人笑道。
果然她到學院的第二天就接到了丈夫的電話, 頓時她的眼睛裡溢滿了深深的淚水。
At last one day, the woman would receive a training for a long time.
Before in front of going train,say she about him: [you freed
temporarily at last.][I will want to embrace you.]the man smiles at
the way.  As expected, received the husband's telephone on the second
day when she reached the institute, immediately, her eyes are full of
the deep tear.

Indeed, to men and women in love, after the collision that the passion
flies over, the marriage is simple like a young woman in village.
Often with ' really ' as excuse, escape to the numbness and coarseness
of emotion that have for a long time people, but does not understand,
if we are used to offering as a gift the love of falling day by day,
then the love gains of management day by day of before, may drop on
the ground


                                      So on our centre of the palm
(lead along by hand) With the chest (embrace) Love and I love you of,
it thank by you, or pieces of movement ,how easy and getting more
meaningful these is.

我想我們大家都該彼此努力吧! 並且好好珍惜身邊的人,也就是你今生所要找的人!
The emotion must be managed with hands diligently, people are so
wonderful! ! Often think the happiest person is in the world: Can find
a person that has since already liked, and that person is wholehearted
liking you! ! We all should be diligent each other, I suppose!  And
treasure the person around carefully , it is the person who you will
look for this life!

  後學 曾有田
James Tseng

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