2009年12月23日 星期三

二. 紅陽期 – 道在師儒 (道家, 儒家, 佛家)

. 紅陽期 道在師儒 (道家, 儒家, 佛家)

中國到了周朝, (約西元前一千年), 象備文盛, 物極必反, 到了周幽王, 君主天子不正, 政令不行, 朝政腐敗, 強奪詐力之風盛行, 稟承 上帝治世的真理. 全部變質, 因此君王已無資格作為 上帝傳遞真理使者. 道運已變.

(2) The Era of the Red Sun – the Lineage of Dao Passed on by Enlightened Masters (Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism)

In the Zhou Dynasty (around 1000 B.C.), Chinese civilization reached a peak. Both material and intellectual development flourished. However, as a decline would always follow a peak, the Zhou Dynasty started to deteriorate when King Yo inherited the throne. He was not upright and his orders could not be implemented throughout the country. The government became corrupted. Deception and robberies were common. God’s will had been distorted. Thus, King Yo was not granted the Holy Mission.


至此為紅陽時期的開始, 道脈傳遞的使命落在有道老師學人身上, 他們不能像君王一樣, 統治萬民, 使人民知道 ”, 師儒並沒有權勢, 只有用真理原則和教化, 來引導人類找尋失去的根本源頭, 教以人心向善的途徑, 因此道的使命就落在宗教上, 道以宗教而傳世時期開始, 首先出現三個宗教在這世界上 ( 約三千年前 ).

After King Yo, the Era of the Red Sun began and the Lineage of Dao was passed on by the scholars. Unlike emperors and kings who could rule and lead subjects to follow God’s will, scholars did not have authority and could only use their teachings based on the Truth to inspire people to bring out the goodness within themselves and seek for the lost origin. Since teachings were carried out by religions, it was a period of spreading Dao through religions. The first three great religions appeared in the world about three thousand years ago, and they were Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.


老子首先降世, 他發揚道宗, 要人恢復 (無為之首) 自然的法則, 就是回歸於道, 並且把道心法傳授給孔子,孔子得了到以後, 曾對人感嘆說:「老子像龍依樣的神奇莫測, 上天能飛, 下能入地潛湖.」老子然後往西而去, 據聞道西方傳道給一位王子, 在經過涵谷關時, 守關的關尹子, 看見這位有道之人, 強留住他, 於是寫下 道德經 五千言, 然後再向西方而去, 為道教的始祖.

Lao-zi was born in China. He was the first scholar to maintain the Heritage of Dao. He taught that Wu-Wei (the state of having no desires or thoughts; doing things without expectation of rewards) was the method of returning to nature - Dao. He conveyed the essence of Dao to Confucius before he went west. Once Confucius received the essence of Dao, he exclaimed, “Lao-zi is so mysterious and profound as a dragon that can fly to heaven and hide in deep waters.” A legend says that Lao-zi traveled to the West and transmitted the essence of Dao to a prince. As he was passing through Fort Han-gu, the commissioner of the Fort, Guan Yin-zi, begged him to stay. So Lao-zi wrote five thousand words down in Dao-De Ching and proceeded westward. He was respected as the founder of Taoism.      


孔子把傳遞道的責任, 擔當起來, 周遊列國, 那時中國已分裂為許多國家.發揚上帝行善的意旨, 並把從古聖哲所留下來的經典, 加以修訂, 說明這是永久不變的真理, 立下了人類萬代不變的原則: 仁、義、禮、智、信. 大道的精、細、玄微在大學、中庸兩部書上, 有非常詳盡的說明, 而成為儒教的始祖.

   After Confucius received the essence of Dao, he carried on the mission of spreading Dao. He traveled through many states to spread the Truth. He edited the Scriptures written down by ancient Saints, and clearly stated that these Scriptures are the everlasting Truth and the unalterable principle and guideline for human behavior (benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and faith.) The Great Learning left by Zeng-zi and The Doctrine of the Mean written by Zi-si disclose the profundity and mysticism of Dao. Confucius was respected as the founder of Confucianism.


孔子後把道傳給曾子, 曾子傳給子思, 子思傳給孟子. 到孟子的時候,中國分裂成許多國家, 不斷在戰爭, 人心變化無常, 邪說到處都是, 承擔道脈心法的使命, 失去了傳人. 道降在中國幾千年來的道統於是中斷. 從伏羲氏起至孟子, 在這期間一共出現了賢君聖人共十八位, 我們稱他為前東方十八代.

   Confucius conveyed the essence of Dao to Zeng-zi. Zeng-zi conveyed it to Zi-si. Zi-si conveyed it to Mencius. By the time Mencius received the essence of Dao, China was in turmoil. It was the period of the Warring States in Chinese history. States were independent and constantly waged wars against the others. Human mind was unpredictable and heresies prevailed. There was none who could continue the mission of spreading Dao, and the Lineage of Dao ceased in China. Beginning with Fu-xi Shi and ending with Mencius, there were eighteen generations of Saints who passed on the Lineage of Dao in China, and they were called the First Eighteen Generations of Dao Patriarchs in the East.


在老子, 孔子的同時期, 西方出現了一位英明的王子, 釋迦牟尼. 從年青時離開王家, 走入山林悟道, 到了三十五歲那年, 領悟人類回歸的心法, 而承擔了道脈的使命, 說法四十九年, 成為佛教的始祖, 並將心法傳給大弟子迦葉. 這是我們說道運在西方的紅陽時期.

About three thousand years ago, in the same period as Lao-zi and Confucius were propagating Dao in the east, an admirable prince was born in the West. He was Sakyamuni Buddha who relinquished princedom to practice Dao in a deep forest at a young age. At thirty-five, Sakyamuni Buddha was enlightened and understood that all of us possess Buddha Nature and thus he carried on the mission of spreading Dao. He was respected as the founder of Buddhism. After lecturing for forty-nine years, he passed on the essence of Dao to his first disciple Mahakasyapa, who became the first Patriarch of Dao in the West of the Red Sun Era. Since then, Buddhism passed on the Lineage of Dao in the West until the twenty-eighth Patriarch Da-Muo Zu-Shi (Patriarch Bodhidharma) came to China.


西方有二十八代祖師, 迦葉尊者以後有阿難尊者為第二代, 商那和修尊者 - 優婆?多尊者 - 提多迦尊者 - 彌遮迦尊者 - 婆須密多尊者 - 佛馱難提尊者 – 伏馱密多尊者 - ?尊者 - 富那夜奢尊者 - 馬鳴大士 - 迦毘摩羅尊者 - 龍樹大士 - 迦那提婆尊者 - 羅?羅多尊者 - 僧迦難提尊者 - 伽耶舍多尊者 - 鳩摩羅多尊者 - 闍耶多尊者 - 婆修盤頭尊者 – 摩努羅尊者 - 鶴勒那尊者 - 師子尊者 - 婆舍斯多尊者 - 不為密多尊者 - 般若多羅尊者 - 菩提達摩尊者, 謂西方二十八代祖師.

There were twenty eight Patriarchs of Dao in the West. They were Mahakasyapa, Ananda, Sanavasa, Upagupta, Dhritaka, Michaka, Vasumitra, Buddhanandi, Buddhamitra, Parsva, Punyayasas, Asyaghosa, Kapimala, Nagarjuna, Kanadeva, Rahulata, Sanghanandi, Sanghayasas, Kumarata, Jayata, Vasubandhu, Manura, Haklenayasas, Sinha, Vasiastia, Punyamitra, Prajnatara, and Da-Muo Zu-Shi (Bodhidharma).

至二十八代達摩尊者時, 印度心法變亂, 國家紛亂, 道脈心法無法傳遞下去, 觀東方天空光明祥和, 是傳授真理的地方, 千里迢迢來到東方中國, 尋找能承擔道脈的人, 把真法帶回中國, 時正是梁武帝年間 ( 約西元五百年 ).

   When Da-Muo Zu-Shi (Patriarch Bodhidharma) received the essence of Dao, India was in turmoil. There were numerous heresies, thus the essence of Dao could not be passed on in India. In an inspiration, Da-Muo Zu-Shi understood from God’s message (a bright purple light coming from the East) that the East was a harmonious place and he should seek for a successor there. Thus he traveled eastward and reached China when Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty (from 502 A.D. to 550 A.D.) was reigning the southern half of China.   

 從老子、孔子、釋迦宣揚教化後一千年, 到達摩年間, 西方出現了兩位承擔使命的聖人, 耶穌基督及穆罕默德, 針對當地的風土、民情、文化、民智水準, 以大眾容易了解的方式, 來宣揚上帝的真理, 後而成為耶穌教主及回教教主. 耶穌基督殉道後, 把福音流傳下來, 寫成新約聖經, 穆聖回天以後, 回教陷於分裂的戰爭, 但留下真主的話 - 可蘭經, 可是以後再無法出現像兩位一樣的聖人, 把道脈心法傳遞下去.

One thousand years after Lao-tzu, Confucius, and Sakyamuni Buddha, two more Saints appeared in the Western world and took on the mission of spreading Dao. They were Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. In accordance with their cultural backgrounds, time, and environment, they devised the most effective and the most acceptable methods of spreading God’s Truth in different regions, and became the founders of Christianity and Islam. As Jesus became a martyr of Dao, he left the Gospels of God in The New Testament. After Prophet Mohammed returned to Heaven, he left the words of Allah in The Koran. However, after Jesus Christ & Prophet Mohammed, there was no Saint like them to receive the essence of Dao and carry on the missions of Christianity & Islam.

    達摩來到中國, 一葦渡江, 一顯真機, 把心印傳授給神光二祖, 並說: “我從西方來, 不帶一文一字, 我的工夫全在心意, 如果誦經典就能永生, 則過去無經典時代, 聖人又唸何文 ? 我是以口傳心授, 傳給神光.”神光傳僧燦三祖、道信四祖, 宏忍五祖, 慧能六祖.

Da-Muo Zu-Shi showed that he was with the True Dao by miraculously crossing a river using only a reed. He passed on the essence of Dao to Hui-ke and said, ”I bring no word with me from the West. My practice purely emphasizes the heart and the True Self. If one can transcend the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth only by reciting Sutras, how would ancient Saints attain Dao when there was no Sutra? Therefore, I convey the essence of Dao to you through the meeting of our hearts and the passing of the secret verbal message.” Da Muo Zu-Shi started to use the robe and the elm bowl as the insignia of The Patriarchate in China. Then, the essence of Dao was transmitted from Hui-ke to Sen-can, Dao-xin, Hong-ren, and Hui-neng in succession.

傳到六祖的時候, 僧風之氣質改變, 各生嫉妒之心, 六祖只好出寺隱居獵人中十五年, 止傳杖缽袈裟, 將心法妙道傳授給寒門火宅 (在家居士) - 七祖白馬. 佛家心法失傳. 在中國的佛教, 出現了南北兩大教派. 六祖以後, 道脈心法在居家居士隱藏中, 默默移轉  上帝與人類無形的線, 中國居家居士幾經波折把它傳遞下來! 他們擔荷著上帝的使命, 說法渡眾, 卻都是平凡的人, 在當時, 並不引人注意, 所以沒有人會紀錄他們的言行, 更無立傳可能. 以下是七祖白馬、八祖羅、九祖黃德輝、吳十祖、何十一祖、袁十二祖、徐楊十三祖、姚十四祖、王十五祖、劉十六祖後, 道運氣數轉變, 紅陽期結束.

    By the time Hui-neng became the Sixth Patriarch, the minds of the Buddhist monks had changed. Some were jealous of not being chosen as the next Patriarch and intended to take the insignia away from Hui-neng. Hui-neng had to leave the temple and hide among a group of hunters for fifteen years. He stopped the tradition of passing on the insignia as instructed by the Fifth Patriarch Hong-ren. He transmitted the essence of Dao to two secular devotees of Dao, Patriarchs Bai Yu-Chan and Ma Duan-yang, who together held the Seventh Patriarchate of Dao. Without the Patriarchate of Dao, Buddhism separated into two main streams, of the North and of the South in China. Unknown to all, the Lineage of Dao was passed on by secular devotees of Dao. Although these secular devotees of Dao continued the mission of spreading Dao, they were all commoners and were not noticed as remarkable by the public. Hence, there was no record on their lives and works. After the Seventh Patriarchs, there were the Eighth Patriarch Luo Wei-Qun, the Ninth Patriarch Huang De-Hui, the Tenth Patriarch Wu Zi-Xiang, the Eleventh Patriarch He Liao-Ku, the Twelfth Patriarch Yuan Tui-An, the Thirteenth Patriarch Xu Huan-Wu, the Fourteenth Patriarch Yao He-Tien, the Fifteenth Patriarch Wang Jue-I, and the Sixteenth Patriarch Liu Huan-Pu.


